Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

How To Submit Articles To BrideTide

Planning brides and wedding professionals visit BrideTide on a daily basis to keep up with the pulse of the entire wedding industry. Our members submit fresh, user-generated content every hour that constantly updates with newest ideas and the latest bridal inspiration. Members then vote on their favorite submissions which automatically move up towards the top of the home page.

Step One: Register your username
To being submitting your wedding articles to BrideTide you will first need to create a user name. Clicking on the "Register" link at the top right hand corner of the page will open a new page like the one pictured below. Simply create your username and password in the "New User" area and press the "register" button. That's all there is to it!

How To Submit Articles To BrideTide
Step 2: Welcome to BrideTide
One you register your user name you will then be automatically logged in. The top right of the page will now show your username and karma points. Karma points are earned every time a submission or comment is voted "up" by another member. Points can also be decreased if other BrideTide members find your submission either off-topic, non-interesting or blatant advertising and vote it "down". Top karma leaders can be found here.

How To Submit Articles To BrideTide
Step 3: Submit your article
The wonderful thing about is that any user, whether your are a veteran wedding pro or a newly-engaged bride, can find benefits in the content submitted by other users. To submit your wedding related article, simply click the "Submit" button found below our logo.

How To Submit Articles To BrideTide
Step 4: Finish and Submit.
Every submission to BrideTide will need to include a Title, Category and URL. To drive more traffic to your article, take advantage of the description and picture fields in the submission area. These areas allow you to add a picture or a helpful description of the article. Once all the areas are filled in, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page and with seconds, your article will automatically be published to BrideTide. The most recent submissions can be found here.

How To Submit Articles To BrideTideStep 5: Add an Image To Your Submission
One simple way to ensure your article gets the most visibility from other members is to include a thumbnail image that will accompany your submission. While we do our best to automatically add an image from the page you are submitting, we suggest manually adding the image thumbnail URL to the blank image field. This way, you can choose which thumbnail picture you want to show up beside your article.

How To Submit Articles To BrideTide
Step 6: Browse around & vote.
On the right side of the BrideTide homepage is a list of topic categories that when clicked, will bring up all submitted content related to that topic. These links can be used to filter your search to a specific group of articles or blog posts on an exact wedding topic.

How To Submit Articles To BrideTide
And that's it! Once you register your username, you are ready to begin sharing your wedding-related blog posts, articles, news, and inspiration with planning brides and wedding professionals who are looking for the latest bridal trends and information., it's everything wedding... in one place.

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

The Drunk Groom

And just think, these cherished wedding day memories will be preserved for all time. The bride doesn't look to happy about that.


Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

BP Oil Spill Destroying Beach Weddings

The current BP oil spill in the Gulf has caused a sudden surge of destination weddings being canceled due to the toxicity of the shores and the overall appearance of the beaches. This is effecting the entire wedding industry.

"Sixty percent of my beach weddings are canceling. This is worse than a hurricane because we don't know what is going to happen," wedding planner Darrin Land.

Quite sad.

Read the entire article here

The Death of the Wedding Directory?

Death of the Wedding Directory
Are wedding directories a thing of the past? Are they still relevant? Are they necessary? Are they helpful? Great article and comments over at

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

10 Examples of Amazing Rustic Wedding Inspiration

Rustic Wedding Elizabeth Anne Designs shares this rustic campsite wedding that bursts with organic vibe and beautiful accents.

A petri dish & test tube wedding? The Wedding Chicks show how any theme can be oh-so-chic with the right details.

This bit of rustic elegance from the Ruffled blog will inspire any bride to get those creative juices flowing!

Simple elements paired with an old-fashioned background make for a picture perfect wedding day.

In order to save up for this wedding, the groom “gave up his dream” of owning a Harley motorcycle. At the end of the wedding, however,the bride surprised the groom with a new motorcycle as a gift! So sweet!!

Bird cages seem to be popping up everywhere at weddings; as rustic centerpieces filled with fresh flowers or candles.

Green Wedding Shoes features a spectacular wedding celebration that reminds us that soft, muted colors can still be eye candy.

Riding boots, horse shoes, rusted chandeliers...this wedding found on Snippet & Ink is pure rustic sophistication.

This wedding on 100 Layer Cake is absolutely swoon-worthy! Refined and rustic, yet light and casual.

The rustic decor and handmade love make this wedding on Grey Likes Weddings a sweet find.

Rustic Wedding

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Yes, Someone Is Having A Wedding On Twitter

... and you're invited. A while back, we published a post about some couples having a Tweet of Honor at their wedding. It seems that the concept has been taken to another level. Don't believe us? Well, @subrbanoblivion and @pauloflaherty are basically invited the entire Internet to their upcoming online Twitter wedding. And of course, the wedding reception will be a Tweetup. Will we be seeing more of these "Twitter weddings" in the near future? We don't know, but follow the #paul&sara hashtag to see how the event unfolds.

twitter wedding

What are you thoughts on "Twitter Weddings"?

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

State of The Wedding Industry 2010

Calling all wedding service professionals....
You have been invited to participate in the State of The Industry Study 2010.

The purpose of this study is to capture, from you (the vendor perspective), how much brides and grooms are spending in the first half of the year, what trends you are seeing, some basic business demographic and activity information, and what methods you use to get new customers. The information compiled within this study is a great way to monitor the pulse of the entire wedding industry as a whole.

Summary results of this study will be available on in late July 2010.

To participate, visit this link:

Thank you to all of the professional wedding vendors who take part of this very important (and extremely interesting) study!

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Why Is June The Most Popular Wedding Month?

what is the most popular wedding month
Over the years, the month of June continues to be regarded as the most popular month for celebrating a wedding event. Some say it's because it marks the start of moderate temperatures and reasonable outdoor weather, while others chalk it up to a wider and cheaper array of flowers available during this colorful Summer month.

But why June?
How did June come to be the most popular wedding month?
If we dig deeper, seems practicality may be the driving force behind this modern-day wedding trend.

Back in the day, couples often chose to marry in accordance to their peak harvest time. Having a June wedding meant that a possible Summer pregnancy would still be early enough in the season that a wife could help out with manual work during that year's harvest period. It also meant that after a Spring birth, the recovered bride would be in good enough health to assist in the next year's harvest.

Ever hear of an "annual bath"? We'll apparently a long time ago, regular bathing wasn't exactly considered a necessity and was therefore reserved as a once-a-year event that the that most of the population observed during the last part of May or beginning of June. As expected, right after their "annual bath", many couples decided to tie the knot since each person was probably their most presentable (and less stinky) during this time compared to the upcoming twelve months. Totally makes sense.

The Roman goddess: Juno
Juno was the ancient Roman goddess of marriage, and accordingly, many Romans chose to honor this goddess by having their wedding in June. Many considered this month to be the most favorable time to marry and would be showered with luck and good wishes from the gods above if they did so.

Well there it is, a few fun facts that help to explain why June is the most popular month for weddings. Enjoy the info and enjoy the month!

I got a lot of emails asking me what the second most popular wedding month is. The answer to that is August, with September close behind.

rudy bridetide